Oils, Protein, Fiber & Antioxidants
Canola seeds offer an optimal 1:2 balance of essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. They are naturally low in saturated fatty acids and are protected from oxidation through innovative processing methods, natural storage proteins & antioxidants such as vitamin E.
Canola is among the select plant-based protein sources that provide the complete range of essential amino acids required for human nutrition.
Canola-based ingredients can effectively replace many highly processed components in food formulations, thanks to their natural functionality and diverse compound groups. In many cases, they can substitute multiple ingredients simultaneously.
Structure, solubility, stabiliity
Creamy, stretchy, fluffy…. Our ingredients excel in fulfilling diverse structural roles across various markets, including bakery, dairy, and meat replacement.
Our proteins are renowned for their exceptional solubility, with unique properties that distinguish them from other plant-based proteins currently available.
Our ingredients, such as Cano-cream emulsions, provide stability to your product. These ingredients are derived from natural systems within the plant, which have evolved over years to ensure this stability.
No Food Waste, Mild process, local
It’s unfortunate that the canola industry currently loses up to 60% of its nutritious potential to animal feed and waste. With a new way of processing, Cano-ela ensures that 100% of the plant is utilized, transforming it into three distinct, valuable product streams.
The Cano-ela approach avoids the use of hexane, a common chemical in oil extraction. Cano-ela’s plant-based products utilize milder processing techniques that significantly reduce CO2 emissions. Especially in complex formulations, our ingredients often replace multiple highly processed products, thereby lowering production and transportation emissions.
Easy to grow canola seeds thrive in many mild climates, often in densely populated regions such as Europe, Canada, and China. Utilizing these seeds for their complete nutritional profile could significantly contribute to building a more resilient food system.
Cano-cream is perfect for creamy formulations. It is used for emulsion-based products. It is composed of naturally emulsified lipids loaded with natural antioxidants (oleosomes) extracted directly from the seeds. The natural emulsion helps food companies to remove: refined oils, lecithins, other emulsifiers, and synthetic antioxidants.
Cano-soluble is a natural pre-mix of highly soluble proteins and hydrocolloids in either a powder or a liquid form. It is high in protein and can be used in meat substitutes, protein bars, ice creams, etc. Depending on the application, this natural pre-mix can help food companies to remove: soy-derived ingredients, gluten-derived ingredients, thickeners, emulsifiers, and other synthetic hydrocolloids.
Cano-fiber is a product rich in antioxidants, insoluble dietary fiber, and protein.
This natural pre-mix helps food companies to boost the nutritional profile of their products while keeping a clean label.

About Cano-ela
Cano-ela is a food tech company that aims to remove refined ingredients from the food supply chain by processing oil-rich seeds in an innovative way.
Oil-rich seeds contain all of the building blocks to create foods (i.e. proteins, carbohydrates, and fats). However, conventional extraction only extracts one component – vegetable oil – from the seeds. The result is big streams with poor functionality.
Our unique process allows us to extract innovative ingredients out of seeds. This enables food companies to create the next generation of plant-based foods, which are more natural and sustainable.


Locally sourced

Zero waste


The sustainable clean label
Our process aims to be zero waste. This means that everything that is harvested will be used for food purposes.
The focus of our process is the extraction of natural seed structures with high techno- and bio-functionality.
Companies using our ingredients can give their products a shorter, simpler, and more plant-based ingredients list. This means that the ingredients are expected and familiar to consumers and there are not any chemical-sounding artificial ingredients.
This way, we help food companies to clean their label and reduce their environmental impact
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